Mahan Deltametrine
5% EC
Active Ingredient:
Deltametrine 5% EC
Chemichal group: Pyrethroid
Combination: Per liter emulsifiable consists of 50 grams
Mode of action:
deltametrine is none- systemic with contact and stomach
Medical properties:
has properties such as desirable and wide influences, rapid effect, low
toxicity for mammal, rapid metabolization and excretion from animals body.
Control and treatment of mites, flies, louses
and scab in cows and sheep.
Avoidance period:
There isn’t any restriction in cow's
milk consumption while sheep and goat's milk isn’t suitable for human uses.
Avoid using cow's meat for 3 days and
sheep and goat's meat for 4 days.
How to use:
Use as spray : Spray toxin solution on animal body upto soak all the body
Cow shower: put each cow in mite
bath for 15 seconds and sink cow's head three times in solution.
Sheep shower: use this shower 3 or 4 weeks after shearing, after recovery of scratches and growing wools upto 2-4 cm. keep
each sheep 30 seconds in solution or put its head twice in solution.
Drug interactions
Do not use this toxin with other cholin esterase blocker
It is incompitable with alcalin products. But its fine to use it with other
Avoid doing this prosses for tired, unwell and sick cattle.