
دسمدیفام 18

Mahan Phenmedipham+ Desmedipham+ Ethofumestate

18% EC (Betanal progres)

Chemical Group: Phenylcarbamate + Phenylcarbamate+ Benzoforan

Toxicological information:

Acute oral LD 50 for rats >2000 mg/kg


Photosynthetic electron transport inhibitor

Mode of action:

Selective herbicide


This herbicide consist of 3 kinds of herbicide : Phenmedipham (90gr/L), Desmedipham(71gr/L) and Ethofumestate (112 gr/L)

It is used 3 L/ha before sunset in 200 L water against  annual grasses and broad leaf weeds in sugar beet farming.

Avoid use it in hot summer days which The intensity of sunlight is extreme

In rainy day: spray 6 hours after rain.

Package: 1 L